Ishizaki Press Industrial Co., Ltd.Ishizaki Press Industrial Co., Ltd.

We contribute to cutting-edge industry with our precision metal stamping technology,
centered on our metal drawing process

Privacy policy

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Privacy policy

Personal information privacy policy
We may retain personal information about each customer in order to provide the optimum service to every customer.
All of us here at Ishizaki recognize that it is our duty to protect and control any personal information we have.
For this reason, we are committed to protecting your personal and business information through the following means.
Collection and use of personal information
We follow the company’s privacy policy and only collect personal information in conformance with it. We only use personal information to provide our best service to our customers. We do not disclose or supply personal information to any third party, unless there is a legally mandated and justifiable reason.
Measures we use to secure personal information
We take necessary security measures to prevent illegal access, loss, damage, changes, or leaks of the personal information we hold. If we find that an improvement is needed, we correct the process promptly and make every effort to prevent any occurrence of the incident that revealed the need for improvement.
Compliance with the laws and ordinances, and other codes of conduct concerning personal information
We always comply with all laws and ordinances, as well as codes of conduct, related to personal information.
Educating our staff about protecting personal information
We carefully educate all employees about the measures they must take to protect personal information, so that everyone handling this information will perform their work with sufficient understanding of the importance of protecting it.
Contact desk about protection of personal information
Please contact “” if you have any questions about your personal information, or have a request such as to modify, change, delete, or cease to use personal information we already have. We will respond within a reasonably short period with appropriate support for your request.

Established on May 7, 2019
Ishizaki Press Industrial Co., Ltd.

Website privacy policy

Our website has the following privacy policy.

How we use the personal information we collect
We only use the personal information we collect on this website to provide our best service to our customers.
The measures we take to protect your personal information and maintain accuracy
We take security measures to prevent illegal access, loss, damage, changes, or leaks of this personal information. If an improvement proves to be needed, we correct the process promptly and make every effort to prevent any occurrence of the incident that revealed the need for improvement.
Use of Cookies

We may use cookies in connection with this website. We use cookies for our customers’ convenience, and to customize functions for your next visit to our website. They may also be used for statistical analyses, such as a record of how many hits our website has. However, they will not be used to infringe on our customers’ privacy. Customers can refuse to accept cookies by changing the settings in their browser program.

About Google Analytics
We use Google Analytics, a Google service, on several of our pages to keep track of your site visits. When Google Analytics is used on our site, Google collects, records and analyzes the history of your site visit based on the use of our company’s cookies. We receive the analysis results of Google’s analysis and use them to keep track of your site visits. The information collected, recorded and analyzed by Google Analytics does not contain any information that identifies a specific individual. In addition, this information is managed by Google on the basis of its privacy policy.

Customers can prevent our collection of their information using Google Analytics by disabling Google Analytics in the browser add-on settings.To disable Google Analytics, you need to download and install the "Google Analytics Opt-out Add-on" on Google’s Opt-out Add-on download page and change the add-on setting in your browser. Note: if you disable Google Analytics, it will be disabled on the other websites you visit, as well as on this site, so you may want to re-enable Google Analytics by resetting the browser add-on (after you have finished visiting our site).

Please refer to the Google Analytics site for a description of the Google Analytics Terms of Service and the Google’s company's site for a description of the Google Privacy Policy.
Google Analytics Terms of Service:
Google’s Privacy Policy:
Google Analytics opt-out add-on:

The scope of application of this privacy policy

The scope of application of this privacy policy is limited to the privacy provided by this website. We are not liable for the privacy policy of any other websites that links to our website. Please check the privacy policies of those websites.

Revisions of our personal information protection policy and this website’s privacy policy
If there are any important changes in our company privacy policy or website privacy policy, we will announce it on this website. For other changes, please check the What’s New page on our website occasionally to get the most current information. We are not liable for any problems that may be caused by a failure to check this information.

Enacted on May 7, 2019