Company Information
- Company Information
- Greeting / Our Management Philosophy / Our Management Policy
Greeting / Our Management Philosophy / Our Management Policy
We realize high quality manufacturing that contribute to the world by using advanced technologies and creativity.
Thank you very much for visiting our website.
Our company, founded in 1931 as the first domestic snap fastener manufacture, has been doing business with many companies in the clothing button industry continuously. No.500 brand snap is still very popular. Now we have grown and expanded our business. Main business is precision metal stamping of parts for micro batteries, such as lithium coin batteries, electronic components, automobile parts and so on. This is the result of over 90 years of experiences and the accumulation of technical skills, particularly in the field of thin metal plate precision pressing. Precision drawing technology requires special techniques, know-how and experiences that are hard to be digitalized. Quality of the products is greatly affected by those elements as well as the quality of the manufacturing equipment used. One particular challenge is to continue mass producing products efficiently while maintaining a certain level of quality over the long run. Our company has established a production management system that results in sustainable and stable mass production under a plan in which all the processes -- from designing, producing, and setting up molds, to pressing, cleaning, and inspection -- are integrated within our company. Accordingly, we are also highly regarded by major domestic and overseas companies that have expanding their business to a global scale.
Under our Aim to be first-class! management policy, we will resolutely try to invent new ideas and tackle various challenges, and develop proposals and solutions that meet needs the customer hasn’t even recognized, yet. What this means is that we want to share the fruits of our commitment to quality with our customers, and we hope this determination will result in an even stronger relationship of trust with them.
Please feel free to contact us, whether for business information or employment opportunities. Thank you.

Our Management Philosophy
We contribute to industrial development and social well-being by developing, producing and selling products that improve customer satisfaction and reliability.
Our Management Policy
Aim to be first-class!
(Keep on growing, and always keep trying harder.)
- ・Pursue the establishment of an unrivaled possession of excellent & unique technology and manufacturing ability.
- ・We provide impressive products and services that bring customers satisfaction and pleasure.
- ・Strive to increase the satisfaction levels of all customers, suppliers, and employees
- ・All corporate activities and those of all individual employees must comply with social norms (including environment preservation, legislation, and information security management)
- ・We always maintain a cheerful, clean and lively workplace through the full participation of all employees.
Our General Action Plans as an employer
- ■ Period
- Three years from April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2022.
- ■ Details
- [Goal]
Promote the creation of a work environment that contributes to improve employee satisfaction - [Steps to achieve the goal]
- Plan to achieve the target of all employees to take 5 more annual holidays off per year
- Each employee creates an individualized yearly paid holiday plan, which is submitted to and managed by his/her supervisor and General Affairs.
- Set up days and months for employees to encourage them to take paid vacation, especially for those who take less than planned.
- Simplify labor operations and shorten working hours by streamlining people’s work via improvements of internal management system functions
- Expand the work and role opportunities for female employees
- Expand the types of job opportunities available to women
Promote the hiring and assignment of women in technical and skilled positions - Raise awareness of the proportion of woman employees in management and foster more women to become managers and leaders within the company
The heads of departments and General Affairs cooperate in trying to do away with impediments to the coexistence of housework & child care with work for the company.
- Expand the types of job opportunities available to women
- Examine and construct work styles that are in line with employees’ diverse lifestyles
Expand the application of short-time work and staggered working in order to support employees’ childcare and other needs
- Plan to achieve the target of all employees to take 5 more annual holidays off per year